Susan J. Demas: Trump wins feud with Megyn Kelly because sexism isn't dead

This week, Donald Trump emerged victorious from his fight with Fox News star Megyn Kelly in all his flappy-haired, loud-mouthed glory, dazzling an adoring crowd in Birch Run.

"I love people; I love this country. We are going to make it so strong and so powerful," Trump declared with the unvarnished bravado his supporters ache for. "You are going to love a President Trump."

Pundits had announced he'd never survive after complaining that Kelly, whose show nets 2.5 million nightly viewers, was out to get him at the first GOP debate. She had "blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever," The Donald smirked to CNN.

But I had my doubts that such blatant sexism would take down the GOP frontrunner. As the state's only regular female political columnist, I've seen my fair share of disgusting comments. And sadly, there's an audience for this.

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